The remote, wireless attack, however, made everyone sit up and take notice. Their previous research had focused on an attack that required physical access to the targeted vehicle, results that auto manufacturers pooh-poohed. Radios are an important piece of technology we use everyday, and amateur (“ham”) radio has been at the forefront of its development since day one - we are some of the original hardware hackers! DIY, exploration, and sharing has always been a vital part of our community and the goal of Ham Radio Village is to nurture this growth into the next generation with all of the amazing people at DEF CON.Who can forget 0xcharlie's hack of a Jeep-with WIRED reporter Andy Greenberg inside? Security researchers Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek presented their findings at Black Hat 2015, and showed how they remotely hacked a jeep and took control of the vehicle, including the transmission, accelerator and brakes. Ham radio isn’t just what your grandpa does in the shed out back. One of the most popular events is the “Wall of Sheep,” where attendees can watch in real-time as unsuspecting conference-goers display their usernames and passwords on a giant screen. These range from impromptu hacking challenges and capture-the-flag contests to parties and networking events. In addition to the formal events, there are also many informal gatherings and social events. Attendees are encouraged to use virtual private networks (VPNs) and other security tools to protect themselves from potential attacks. As a result, it is important to be careful with your personal information and to take precautions to protect your devices and data. The conference attracts many people, from seasoned security professionals to curious hobbyists to malicious hackers and sometimes downright jerks looking to cause trouble. Of course, attending Defcon also requires a certain degree of caution and vigilance.

When you enter, you pay $280 cash and they hand you a generic badge - NO ID is required for admittance. Everyone from your average everyday hacker to criminals and agents from government agencies like the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency will attend. When you arrive, everything is paid for with CASH! They don’t take Credit Cards - most of these people attending really don’t want a record of them attending. Second, there is no online registration, so even the organizers really don’t know who is attending. Well first, DEFCON is run by volunteers and has no corporate sponsorship. While Black Hat feels more like a traditional Vegas trade show, DEFCON is anything but! How is DEFCON different from other conventions? There are also numerous workshops and training sessions, where attendees can learn new skills and techniques from some of the most experienced hackers in the world.ĭefCon comes right on the heels of Black Hat, a conference and trade show for cybersecurity professionals. There are talks and presentations on various topics, from the latest exploits and vulnerabilities to cutting-edge research in fields like cryptography and artificial intelligence.

One of the most exciting things about Defcon is the wide variety of available events and activities. Everywhere you look, you see people who are passionate about technology and eager to learn and share their knowledge. You are immersed in a world of technology and innovation from the moment you arrive and the atmosphere is electric with excitement and anticipation. Attending Defcon is an experience unlike any other. Hackers, corporate IT professionals, and three-letter government agencies converge on Las Vegas every summer to absorb cutting-edge hacking research and test their skills in contests of hacking might. DefCon is known for its intense focus on computer security and hacking, and it provides a forum for some of the brightest minds in the field to share their knowledge and collaborate on new projects. Started in 1992 by the Dark Tangent, DefCon is the world’s longest running and largest underground hacking conference.